The Perfect Tree

I love the Holiday Season!  I love the hustle and bustle (yes, this year is different).  I love the twinkling lights everywhere and I love to decorate the house.   

 I used to search for the “perfect” tree.  I would spend a very long time choosing the tree and it had to be cut down just right.  When Kaitlyn was 6 months old it was our  first year in our first home.  My husband had the stomach bug so I took the kids to cut down the tree.  I was deep in the snowy woods holding my 6 month old with my 2 year old following behind searching for that perfect tree.

I was gone for so long the tree farm actually sent someone out to be sure we were ok! 

And then there were the disagreements that ensued as we were putting up the tree. Was it leaning? Was the stand tight enough? And were the lights in exactly the right place?  Honestly, when I think back on it no wonder everyone was in tears by the end.  

Then I discovered Jin Shin Jyutsu and learned to let go.  I held my little pinky finger and I shifted from efforting to ease.  I let go of the perfect tree, I even bought a pre-cut tree at Home Depot (shocking, I know.) I let go of the perfect decorations.  I let everyone place the decorations wherever they wanted and left them there. 

The most interesting thing is ever since then the right tree has always appeared, whether we cut down the tree or bought it precut.  And the tree goes in the stand without a hitch, the lights and decorations look beautiful just as they are and best of we all have fun and laugh through the whole process.  

Holding my little finger has helped me let go of all of that efforting, all of that trying-to be perfect in a very imperfect world.  And my body feels better.

My emotions feel more balanced, I feel more in alignment with the world around me and I'm happier.  BEing happy on the inside is something to smile about.

Wishing you a holiday season of ease and laughter, good health and an imperfect tree!



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