Freedom Is Your Destiny

Alignment of Your Mind
with your Body
with your Spirit

When the 3 aspects of you (body, mind & spirit) come into harmony you experience FLOW. You know that time when you are rested, peaceful, everything falls into place and life feels magical. The key is, how do you stay in this state of FLOW? The benefits of a self-care practice of Jin Shin Jyutsu help you to get to and remain in this state of bliss. Join myself and the FLOW Community in the daily practice of 36 breaths while holding specific acupressure points (Safety Energy Locks)

Here’s how it works:.

  1. Place your chest (above your breast) (Safety Energy Lock 13)

Breathe for 12 breaths

2. Place your hands on your rib cage (Safety Energy Lock 14)

Breathe for 12 breaths

3. Place your hands on your top of your thigh (groin) (Safety Energy Lock 15)

Breathe for 12 breaths.

Give it a try…BE your own testimony.

xoxo - beth


Shelling with Laser Focus


Shelling and Self-Talk