Shelling and Self-Talk

I’m a beach gal, there is no doubt about that.  The waves, the sand and the salty air speak to my soul.  I love collecting sea glass, but as plastic has become more of a way of life, sea glass is increasingly more difficult to find.  Discovering one small piece is like finding a gold coin.  My new obsession is shells. 

My serious shelling began when I was in Northern Florida in July.  Most of the shells are very similar and there are tons of them.  Then, I went for a walk with my friend Leslie.  As we were walking I was completely distracted by ALL of the shells.  She would only pick up a shell here and there, however what she did pick up was amazing and different than any shell I had found and I had been shelling for 5 days!

So this trip as I began shelling, I kept saying to myself, “how come Leslie found all the good shells?”  Or, “why can’t I find the different shells?”  All of a sudden I stopped and realized how much negative chatter I had running through my mind.  I recognized how I was talking to myself.  No wonder I couldn’t find any different shells.  And I know better! 

Then I shifted my thinking.  I started repeating “I find all the amazing shells.”  and “the different shells come to me.” BAM!  I found an olive shell.  Then I found a small conch shell.  I noticed that the minute I shifted my thinking the different shells appeared like magic.  I thought, if I am talking to myself so negatively about finding shells, where else is my self-talk holding me back?  I have done a lot of work over the years on self-talk.  But wow, it’s amazing how easily I can slip back to my old ways of thinking.  Shelling taught me to pay more attention to that inner critic.

The instant manifestation that happened when I changed my thoughts was amazing!  I got this rush of adrenaline as I kept finding “different” shells. And my final find of the day was one of the most amazing shells I have ever found!  (in the photo above) I’ve never seen markings such as these.  When I found this shell I said “thank you.”  Thank you to the Universe and thank you to myself for being guided to pay better attention to my thoughts.    Now I’m practicing instant manifestation in other areas of my life!  More please.

 Where is your self-talk holding you back?


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