Joy Into BEing

And just like that, Fall has arrived.  Darkness comes earlier and the Florida humidity has all but disappeared.  It’s time to let go of the carefree attitude of summer and begin to move to the more introspective energy associated with Fall. 

In Jin Shin Jyutsu Fall is expressed through the attitude of Sadness or Grief.  This year I prefer to focus on the true essence, which is Joy Into BEing.  For those who have followed me for a while know I have talked about feeling sad as Fall comes in. Not this year!  I’m focusing on JOY!

Doing activities that bring me joy.  

Seeing joy in everything.

BEing joyful.  

And this feels good.  Joy reflects in a higher vibration in all of my cells. When I live in JOY, I feel better; emotionally and physically.

 The Lungs and Large Intestine are the organ pair that are associated with Fall and the attitude of joy or sadness and grief.  You see in Jin Shin Jyutsu everything in your body is associated with something outside your body.  

There is a reason and a season for everything.  

The lungs are responsible for taking in the new, the large intestine is responsible for letting go of all that your body doesn’t need.  When in balance both work in harmony together allowing you to grieve in a healthy manner.  If grief takes over your breath may be affected and you may experience digestive projects.  Deep skin projects are also associated with deep grief.

 In Jin Shin Jyutsu there is an expression, “All sadness is born of possessiveness.” This took me years to truly understand!

Attachment is another form of grief and is also associated with this time of year and these organs.  If you have a hard time letting go of people, objects, experiences or relive the past these are signs that this attitude is out of balance.   

Are you possessive of your point of view?

Are you holding on to something or someone that doesn’t serve you?


Your Hands Are Your Jumper Cables


She Let Go