Your Hands Are Your Jumper Cables

 What happens when the battery of your car stops working?  There is no energy to fuel the start.  The same is true of your body.  With a car you connect jumper cables to an energy source and give the other battery a “jump.”

 Your hands have the same capabilities! 

 When your vital energy source becomes disrupted, various tensions are created in your body.  You may feel fatigue, you may crave too much sugar, you may feel pain or your emotions may be out of balance.

 With the strategic placement of hands on your body, Jin Shin Jyutsu gives you the “jump” needed to re-establish harmony.  Often times results are felt immediately.

 Your body works to be in harmony AND sometimes you need to guide it in the right direction.

 The best part is, you carry your “jumper cables” with you wherever you go!


Nourish Yourself Through Winter


Joy Into BEing