Offering Love

“What you bring to your relationship is the power.”

I was really struck by the quote by Tony Robbins.  In my heart I knew this, but I had never heard it stated so clearly.  Most of the time we are focused on what we want to receive in a relationship.  And we are often unhappy about what we are receiving.

Why didn’t you do this for me?  Why can’t you do this the way I want?  

Always wanting the relationship to be your way, is where the power struggle begins. Having expectations of what the other person could and should do for you.  

This Valentine’s Day I encourage you to look at your relationship from a different angle.  What can you do for your significant other that would make them happy?

Give without expectations.

Support your partner in reaching their dreams.

Love with all your heart.

I invite you to weave Jin Shin Jyutsu in to your Love Offering by holding your partners fingers.

Hold both of your partners’ thumbs for 3 breaths. Hold both of your partners’ index fingers for 3 breaths. 

Gaze into each other’s eyes during the process. 

Feel the connection.  Enjoy the connection.

Continue until you have held all the fingers.

This exercise can also be experienced with children and grandchildren and even friends, minus the romantic connection.

 As you give, you receive.



Spring In Your Step


“Change is inevitable.”