Spring In Your Step

Bursting buds, birds chirping, chilly mornings, warm afternoons, Spring is in the air here in California.  

I feel inspired to clean out the dust bunnies and refresh the house. Regeneration and renewal with new beginnings come to mind.

While Winter is the time to conserve your energy and go inward, Spring is the time to put a little bounce in your step! 

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Spring is Liver time with its complementary organ the Gallbladder. Meaning this is season for these Organs to operate at their full potential. 

How can you support your Liver?

Jin Shin Jyutsu:
Give yourself a Liver Function Energy Flow.  (Join me for a weekly Guided Flow Meditation) or hold your middle finger.

Eat leafy greens.  Green is the color of Spring (think fresh green grass, finally after a long winter).

Stretch.  In TCM the liver plays a role in the smooth function of the tendons.  Stretching, along with the Liver Function Energy Flow helps supports your flexibility.


Angry or frustrated?  Take a walk outside, hold your middle finger and breathe in the fresh Spring air. You’ll be happy you did when you feel your anger move to harmony.

Here’s to a little Spring in your step!

xoxo - Beth


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